So, there I was, rocking out to Buckcherry's "Sexy Bitch" song on the way home last night. I was daydreaming about being the lead singer. Boy! What a badass I'd be!
Yeah, I could be a rock star....if I dropped 60 pounds and the cheese danish. Maybe a couple of tribal armband tats on the arms for 'street cred'.
You ever catch yourself thinking about life as a rock/movie/superstar?
I thought about it up until I realized my parents would have to hear the lyrics to this song. It stopped being fun then.
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
2 months ago
Yeah. Actually listening to lyrics can crush hyour liking of a some. I made the mistake of listening to Uncle Cracker's "Follow Me" once.
The whole infidelity thing killed the song.
I'd so front a Phil Collins band..
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