So, I've jumped into the Kool-Aid pool and joined a Crossfit 'box' (box = gym). I don't see why I didn't do this after leaving the SEAL PT program a couple years ago. Oh, yeah, I thought it was too hard. Puss...
Anyway, I've made strides in the four weeks I've been working out. Dropped a couple more pounds, gained muscle mass (slowly but surely), and increased alertness and stamina. Don't need that extra soda pop on shift anymore.
For those that don't drink from the Kool-Aid fountain, Crossfit is a hardcore workout program that incorporates Olympic lifting, cardio, plyometrics, running and body weight exercises. You work against a clock for most workouts. Others are against weights, or even team events. It is all built around your own ability and strength. Take for example, I can't do pull-ups for sh**. Can't do ring dips real well because one arm is 1/8th inch shorter than the other. I can bench and squat like a mo-fo, though. I'm getting closer to the weights I was working at last year. My running and run stamina have improved dramatically. Makes sense when I work foot patrol most weeks.
Even though I am not the world's greatest Crossfit athlete, I have been in two competitions. The Maltz Challenge (a LEO based challenge), and the Memorial Day Murph (named in honor of USN LT M. MURPH - KIA A-STAN).
I don't work for the largest department. We don't see a lot of action on a daily basis. In fact, I haven't written a report or caught a case in three weeks. That doesn't mean I won't go toe-to-toe with some turd trying to break into a car or classroom. We still on-view activity off campus and have to act. Crossfit helps me be prepared for when the fecal matter connects with the oscillating air dispersal unit.
I treat every workout like it is the fight of my life. I don't quit.
I'm gonna start using the blog on a more regular basis to track my workouts and diet habits. I have a goal of December to drop approximately 40lbs. This is weight I've been carrying for a while. My ideal weight is somewhere in the 220lb. range. On top of that, I plan on breaking the 350# barrier on backsquat, benchpress and deadlift exercises. It can be done. I was deadlifting 315# this time last year. My other goals are to complete a RX'd (prescribed weight) WOD (Workout Of the Day), unassisted pullups/ringdips, and jump rope double unders.
If you're interested, check the Crossfit link in the paragraph above. Below is a taste of what I've done this week alone. Mind you, it ain't the world's greatest, but everyone starts somewhere. Watch as the weights increase and my times diminish.
Warm up
Run 400m
10 pushups
10 air squats
10 tuck jumps
10 broad jumps
10 burpees
Skill Training
Virtual "Fran" Workout for time. "Fran" is the name of a 'benchmark' WOD to see where a person stacks up against the rest of the group. It helps to chart progression in Crossfit.
Time Completed: 4:09
Benchmark "Fran"
21-15-9 reps for time of
thrusters @ 45# scaled
pull-ups w/ blue band
Time: 8:30
Warm up
3 rounds of double unders/singles at 1 minute each
PVC Mobility Stretching
Skill Training
Power Clean
5 sets x 3 reps each @ 135#
5 rounds for time
10 hanging power clean @ 85#
12 ring dips (black band)
14 toes-to-bar
Time Completed: 18:50
Warm up
1 mile run for time @ 12:21
20 air squats/lunges/slam ball @ 20#
Skill Training
Hand Stand Push Ups
5 rounds for time of
30m walking lunges
10 pushups
30m walking lunges
30m burpee broadjump
10 air squats
30m burpee broadjump
30m goblet lunges (lunge while carrying 20# kettlebell)
10 goblet squats
30m goblet lunges
Time capped at 26min
Time Complete
3 rounds at 24:45
Warm up
500m row
20 air squats with 5-10 second hold at bottom
Skill Training
1 rep max front squat at 195# (couldn't quite get 215#)
16 minutes of Luv!
4 rounds
minute 1 - 5 front squats & bar jumps
minute 2 - rest
minute 3 - 5 front squats & max push ups
minute 4 - rest
Time complete
16 minutes - score by lowest number of bar jumps and push ups completed (15 + 9 = 24points)
We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Time to cook my caveman dinner!
It’s the People You Meet Along the Way
5 weeks ago
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