

Finally saw Stephen Hunter's book put to celluloid film. Gotta say, in my opinion, Antone Fuqua did okay with the story. I ignore political undertones in a movie and just go for the show. I'm not one of those liberal whack-a-tards who nit-picks over every innuendo and trivial detail. If I like it, I like it. If I don't, well, that was $9 wasted. No skin off my teeth.

I can see where they took license to make the story fit. Seems plausible to me. It was set up beautifully. I don't like where they reduced the friction between Paine and Swagger. I would have liked to seen Bob Lee give him an East Texas Root Canal with a 1911 like in the book. I would also like to see more bad guys come after Swagger and Memphis at the Russian's house. It was nice that Memphis got some trigger time over the book. There, he was portrayed as a simpleton with a mini ranch rifle. The movie gave Memphis some backbone.

I'll show you what made the movie for me. See this pic down below.

Nothing like seeing a hot, half-nekkie woman light up some chump with a cut down shottie. Very impressive and very hot. I'm gonna have to rethink my whole "Uber-Hottie I'm Gonna Sleep With After Swede Passes On To Valhalla" list.

Add this one to my DVD collection.

1 comment:

Matt G said...

"I'm gonna have to rethink my whole 'Uber-Hottie I'm Gonna Sleep With After Swede Passes On To Valhalla' list."

No good can come from such a list.

Well, just don't write it down.